Growth and Fitness through Innovation
How to augment the returns from your stake



© Klaus G. Saul





4. Create full insight

This chapter is just to demonstrate how decision tree methods can identify the optimum control parameter to ensure maximum stakeholder return with respect to the competitive situation.


The Cooper reference system and his stage-gate procedures have remarkably advanced the power of modern innovation management. But the content of truth in the outcome is limited by the uncertainties which entered into the hypothetical assumptions of the initial business cases. It looks as if the empirically observed uncertainties in the forecasts of about 20% cannot be further reduced due to the missing knowledge when assuming the hypotheses.

A traditional way to fill up missing knowledge is to ask advice from competent peers. But the knowledge of peers does rarely penetrate beyond the limits of the consensus assured knowledge base [EXHIBIT 12]. We can e.g. not learn from traditional peer review what the optimum path of a specific business deployment [EXHIBIT 3] looks like. This, however, often is the crucial question for any stakeholder safeguarding his competitive advantages. Therefore we are strongly advised to go beyond classical peer review techniques. Consequently and by following the ideas of Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950) [EXHIBIT 2] we constructively pose “learning questions” to the most competent experts and peers.

Learning questions begin with “What if ?”. They produce new bifurcation, new paths and new options. The options can be evaluated and ordered along generalised decision trees in accordance with  {Magee, J. (1964)}. Later Werner Popp  {Popp, W. (1988)} succeeded in making those decision trees operational by comparison of the net present values (NPV) and thus to develop a powerful new management tool.

The tool provides a good analysis of both the paths of the projected business cases and of their environments. The insight gained allows to reduce the risks of failure and to re-enforce the potential of new emerging opportunities. They therefore increase the reliability of management decisions far beyond the limits that are accessible by the Cooper procedures so far.

Instead of operating on individual paths the procedure of Popp investigates whole flocks [Exhibit 21] of possible paths. The flocks are assessed and compared for their likelihood to yield maximum return {Popp, W. (1999)}.

EXHIBIT-21.gif (16016 Byte)

The new knowledge [Exhibit 12] is generated within a constructively guided dialogue among experts. The dialogue is restricted to the exchange of factual information. The experts are lead to jointly perceive and rationally verify as much as possible of the factual knowledge about the flocks and about the optimum path of each flock, in particular.


  1. Cooper, R.G. (1993) “The NewProd Model” (2nd edition, Addison-Wesley)
  2. Cooper, R.G. et al. (1998) Portfolio Managem. for New Prod. (Perseus Books, Reading, Mass. USA)
  3. Fukuyama, F. (1992) The End of History and the Last Man (Penguin Books Ltd, London)
  4. Fukuyama, F. (1999) The Great Disruption (Profile Books Ltd, London)
  5. Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon, 14. Auflage, 1997 (Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler GmbH)
  6. Group of Lisbon (1995) Limits of Competition (Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press)
  7. Haken,H. (2000) Information and Self-Organization (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New york)
  8. Heuss, E. (1965) Allgemeine Markttheorie (Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr)
  9. HIS (2000) Public Private Partnership in der Forschung (HIS GmbH Hannover 2000)
  10. Hornschild, K.(1998) Beiträge zur Strukturforschung, Heft 172 (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot)
  11. Kleinschmidt, E. et al. (1996) Erfolgsfaktor Markt (Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg)
  12. Luria, S.E. et al. (1981) A view of Life (Menlo Park, CAL.; Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co)
  13. Ludwig, K.P. et al. (1998) Innovation & Raumfahrt (Bonn, DGLR-Synthesepaier)
  14. Magee, J. (1964) How to Use Decision Trees in Capital Investment (Harvard Business Review Sept.-Oct.)
  15. Markl, H. (1998) Wissenschaft gegen Zukunftsangst (München – Wien Hanser Verlag)
  16. McKelvey, M.D. (1996) Evolutionary Innovations (Oxford University Press)
  17. Popp, W. (1988) Zur Planung von F&E-Projekten. (Die Betriebswirtschaft 6, S. 735-749)
  18. Popp, W. (1999) Neue Horizonte bei Innovationsanalysen (Wissenschaftsmanagement Heft Nr. 2, Ausg. April/März 1999; Lemmens Verlags-  & Medien-GmbH 53227 Bonn)
  19. Russel, B.(1927) An Outline of Philosophy (London p.27)
  20. Schumpeter, J.A. (1911) Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (Nachdruck Berlin 1964)
  21. Saul, K.G. (1999) Leitbegriff “Innovation” Fachgespr. der Eur. Akademie (Bad Neuenahr- Ahrweiler, Sept. 1999)
  22. Shannon,C.E. (1948) A Mathematical Theory of Communication (Bell System Techn. J.27,370-423, 623-656)
  23. Simon, H.A. (1993) Homo rationalis (Campus Verlag Frankfurt/New York)
  24. Witt, U. (1998), Economics and Darwinism (Jena, Schriftenreihe MPI for Research into Economic Systems)
  25. Zink, K.J. (1995) TQM als integratives Managementkonzept (Carl Hanser Verlag München, Wien)

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      Dr. Klaus G. SAUL; Leiter Fachausschuss S1.3 INNOVATIONSMANAGEMENT

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